Old Testament
The Church of the Old Testament (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1967). Second edition issued 1980. Electronic version of 2nd ed. available on the LDS Collectors Library CD-ROM from Deseret Book. Chapters and Appendices:
- The Gospel
- The Church
- The Priesthood
- Organization and Government
- 5. The Dead Sea Scrolls
- I. Organization
- II. The Messiah
- III. Jewish Legends
- IV. Eternity of the Priesthood
- V. Scriptural Chronology (omitted in 2nd ed.)
“Report from the Holy Land,” Newsletter & Proceedings of the SEHA (Society for Early Historic Archaeology) No. 134 (October 1973)
“Who is an Arab?” The Ensign, April 1974
“Jonah,” The Ensign, June 1974
“Science and Genesis,” in Wilford M. Hess and Raymond T. Matheny (eds.), Science and Religion: Towards a New Dialogue, Vol. 2 (Geneva, IL: Paladin House, 1979)
Comments in Avraham Biran (ed.), Temples and High Places in Biblical Times (Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1981), 19.
“The Other Tribes: Which are They?” The Ensign, January 1982
“Five Empires of the Ancient Near East: A Historical Backdrop of 1 Kings to Matthew,” The Ensign, April 1982
I Have a Question: “Why were Israel and Judah carried away captive instead of simply conquered and placed under tribute? What exactly were the effects of their captivity?” (the reforms of Tiglath‑Pileser III), The Ensign, August 1982
“Egyptian Etymologies for Biblical Religious Paraphernalia,” in Sarah I. Groll (ed.), Egyptological Studies (Scripta Hierosolymitana, Vol. 28; Jerusalem: Magnes Press of the Hebrew University, 1982). I presented an updated version (entitled “Egyptian Etymologies for Biblical Temple Paraphernalia”) at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), held in San Francisco, November 1997. The published article is twice referenced in the on-line Demotic Dictionary of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, at: http://oi.uchicago.edu/pdf/CDD_prologue.pdf and http://oi.uchicago.edu/pdf/03-04_Demotic.pdf.
“The ‘Secret Society’ and the Fall of Jerusalem,” unpublished paper presented at the 32nd annual Symposium on the Archaeology of the Scriptures and Allied Fields, October 1983. A revised version was published as chapter 9 (“The Elders at Jerusalem in the Days of Lehi”) in my book The Most Correct Book.
“Critics of the Documentary Hypothesis,” unpublished paper presented as part of a panel discussion I chaired on “The Documentary Hypothesis” as part of the 32nd annual Symposium on the Archaeology of the Scriptures and Allied Fields, October 1983.
“In Search of Historic Nimrod” (co‑authored with Bruce W. Warren), Newsletter and Proceedings of the SEHA No. 155 (November 1983)
“Where Was Abraham’s ‘Ur of the Chaldees’?” a monograph (Provo, UT: Society for Early Historic Archaeology, 1985). Originally presented as a paper at the 28th annual Symposium on the Archaeology of the Scriptures and Allied Fields, October 1980. An expanded and improved version is pending.
“Nebuchadnezzar or Nabonidus? Mistaken Identities in the Book of Daniel,” The Ensign, September 1986
“Elijah: Champion of Israel’s God,” The Ensign, July 1990. Presented as “Elijah and the Baal Cult” at the 26th annual Symposium on the Archaeology of the Scriptures and Allied Fields, 1987, based on a lecture often presented in Israel (1974-1979) and the U.S. (since 1980). In 2001, FARMS videotaped my presentation and issued it as “Elijah and the Baal Cult.”
“Ancient Slave Prisons,” in Queries and Comments, Biblical Archaeology Review 18/3 May-June 1992
“Sunrise, Sunset,” in Readers Reply, Bible Review 15/1 (February 1999)
“Recent Archaeological Discoveries Support Bible,” FARMS Update No. 112, Insights: An Ancient Window 17/6 (June 1997). Reprinted as “Archaeology and the Scriptures,” Provo Sun 26 March 1998. Spanish version, “Nuevos descubrimientos arqueológicos recientes que apoyan la Biblia,” also posted on the FARMS web site.
“More on Recent Archaeological Discoveries,” FARMS Update No. 113, Insights: An Ancient Window 17/8 (August 1997). Reprinted as “Recent Archaeological Discoveries Support the Bible” Provo Sun, 12 April 1998. Spanish version, “Más información sobre descubrimientos arqueológicos recientes,” also posted on the FARMS web site.
“4Q22 Paleo Exodusm,” in M. Gerald Bradford, ed., Ancient Scrolls from the Dead Sea (Provo: FARMS 1997).
“Acrostics and Dating the Bible,” Insights: An Ancient Window 18/2 (February 1998)
Review of Brent L. Top, A Peculiar Treasure: Old Testament Messages for Our Day, in BYU Studies 37/2 (1997-98).
“Geographical Misconceptions Concerning the Bible Abound,” Provo Sun, 19 April 1998. Subsequently posted on the Meridian Magazine web site under the title “Common Misconceptions about Biblical Geography.” French version, “Idees fausses courantes en matiere de geograplhie biblique,” posted on the Idumea web site.
“Remembering the Dead in Bible Times,” Provo Sun, 28 May 1998
“The Law of Moses in the Book of Ruth,” Provo Sun, 7 June 1998
“Insights on the Book of Psalms,” Provo Sun, 12 July 1998
“Background to the Captivity of Israel,” Provo Sun, 19 July 1998
“Parallels Between Elijah and Moses,” Provo Sun, 9 August 1998.
“Beyond the Biblical Account of Ahab,” Provo Sun, 23 August 1998
“The Assyrian Invasion of Judah,” Provo Sun, 30 August 1998
“Understanding the Prophets of the Old Testament,” Provo Sun, 20 September 1998
“King Hezekiah: Almost a Messiah,” Provo Sun, 4 October 1998. Subsequently posted on the Meridian Magazine web site, 2001.
“The Debate Over Biblical Archaeology,” Provo Sun, 11 October 1998
“Jeremiah’s Nonbiblical Writings,” Orem Daily Journal, 22 November 1998
“The Prophets of the Exile,” Orem Daily Journal, 29 November 1998
“Lucifer, Son of the Morning” (Provo: FARMS, 1995), presented at the 1995 FARMS symposium on Isaiah in the Book of Mormon and issued as videotape and audiotape with transcript. A revised version appeared as chapter 19 in my book The Most Correct Book.
“Ancient Israelite Psalters,” in Victor L. Ludlow et al., eds., Covenants, Prophecies, and Hymns of the Old Testament (Salt Lake City: Deseret, 2001). Presented at the 30th annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium.
“Finders of the Lost Ark,” FARMS Review of Books 13/2 (2001). A briefer version was published in Provo Sun, 9 April 1998.
“The Bible Code,” FARMS Review of Books 14/1-2 (2002). A similar piece, entitled “The Bible Code and Biblical Inerrancy,” was posted on the FAIR web site, 2002, with a French version, “Le Code de la Bible et l’inerrance biblique,” posted on the Idumea web site.
“The Prophet Like Moses,” Insights: An Ancient Window 27/5 (2007), co-authored with E. Jan Wilson.
“Le bapteme d’Adam,” co-authored with Matthew Roper, posted on the Idumea web site.
“Ark of the Covenant–Again,” FARMS Review 20/2 (2008).